Remarks by the EU Ambassador to Tanzania at a press conference to launch 'ZIFF Goes Mainland'

EU ambassador Christine Grau celebrated the return of the Zanzibar International Film Festival (ZIFF) to Mainland Tanzania, underscoring its role in showcasing African and European films. Prof. Martin Mhando's efforts as the former director were commended, while the new director, Prof. Amil Shivji, was warmly welcomed.


Ladies and Gentlemen, Members of the Press,

Habari zenu!

On behalf of EU and Member States in Tanzania, I am delighted to bring again the Zanzibar International Film Festival to Mainland, together with a variety of European films. For the third year in row, we will showcase the range and dynamism of African and European storytelling. 

I would like to thank in particular the Director of ZIFF, Prof. Martin Mhando, for bringing ZIFF to Mainland, partnering with the Team Europe present here. Your commitment in promoting culture and cultural exchanges through cinema is admirable: let me just mention the fact that every year we have been engaging with different universities and discussed with students on different themes. 

As you have handed over the “torch of ZIFF” to a new director, we take the occasion to commend  achievements of Prof Mhando, making ZIFF one of the most prominent festivals in the region, giving to Zanzibar and Tanzania an important echo in the world. Hongera Sana!  and Ashante Sana!

And of course, a warm “Karibu” to prof. Amil Shivji, with whom we are already engaging on the future cooperation on ZIFF. All the best for your future work – I am sure the ZIFF will be in safe hands with you and further develop!

Ladies and Gentleman,

As mentioned, the EU delegation is proud to be together here with EU Embassies (Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Spain and Sweden) as “Team Europe”, partnering with ZIFF.

Last year we commemorated 25 years of ZIFF at the service of people, arts and culture! And as we see this year, its potential continues to develop and grow.

Since 26 years, ZIFF has been an incubator for cultural and cinematic exchange, bringing ideas from all over the world. The European Union and Member states have established with ZIFF a collaboration based on partnership and co-creation; thus offering not only financial, but also technical support to increase opportunities for cultural programmes and a wide network of cultural actors including in the film industry.

ZIFF has partnered with European cultural institutions in many of its undertakings. We have seen training workshops, sponsored ZIFF programmes but also seen co-production opportunities. And we are very happy that Europe has contributed to the growth of the festival beyond screening individual films.

The support of cultural stakeholders, as an important element of a vibrant society, remains a focus of Team Europe.  Culture has the power to reach a broad variety of people with positive and transformative messages, to bring them together and to allow an exchange between different cultures, among countries and enriching discussions.

Culture and events like these are main drivers for an enriching face-to-face exchange between people, which we all cherish so much, especially in time like now where many of us talk more to their phone then to people.

I am therefore very proud that in 2023, we have another event with ZIFF that we are launching today “EU/MS and ZIFF goes Mainland”. We bring in Mainland cities a selection of long and short films from European countries and from ZIFF. This Year, we will be at different universities in Dar Es Salaam, Bagamoyo and Morogoro.

Besides the screening of EU Member states’ movies, the programme will also include a specific night for Ukraine, in solidarity with the people of this country.

I am very much looking forward for this exchange on movies and beyond movies, to enriching discussions with the Tanzanian society and the exchange on European movies. And the theme of ZIFF 2024 of “Rejuvenation” is very inspriring for all of us!

Let me wish again all the best to Amil Shivil , the new director of ZIFF.

Asanteni sana

Find the program for ZIFF Goes Mainland below

ZIFF program