Europe Day and Africa Day celebrated with an AfroEuropean co-creation dance performance in Addis Ababa

On May 25 Africa Day, the EU Delegation to the African Union together with the African Union celebrated Europe Day with an AfroEuropean co-creation dance performance.

With more than 1500 residents of Addis Ababa in attendance, the EU presented “Daland@,” a powerful piece that celebrates heritage and underscores the importance of traditions and values within our communities. Featuring music composed by the Kebero Band, “Daland@” is a testament to the transformative power of art, transcending boundaries and fostering unity among diverse cultures.

The evening started with the renowned Ethiopian dance collective TIBEB, presenting the piece “Four Elements.” Their performance explores the harmony and interplay of Water, Wind, Earth and Fire.

The art performance was a culmination of a co-creation that produced an original dance by artists from diverse continents and cultural backgrounds united to tackle an extraordinary challenge: assembling a show from scratch in just three weeks.

More information available here