Launch of the Dashboard of Initiatives of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda

As strategic partners, the EU and the AU collaborate actively to tackle global challenges such as climate change, security threats, digital transformation, sustainable development, and public health crises, while also addressing Africa's specific needs such as infrastructure development, economic empowerment, education, healthcare, and good governance initiatives. Recognizing the disproportionate impact of these challenges on the continent, the EU prioritizes cooperation with Africa to develop locally tailored solutions.

Key policy initiatives such as the Comprehensive Strategy with Africa and the Global Approach to Research & Innovation underscore the EU's commitment to research and innovation as vital components of sustainable development. These objectives have also been fully integrated in the Joint Vision 2030 adopted by European and African leaders at the 6th EU-AU Summit in February 2022 and the AU-EU Innovation Agenda adopted in July 2023.  The Innovation Agenda serves as a crucial framework for coordinated efforts and progress within the defined themes.

Four policy priorities have emerged for EU-AU cooperation in Research & Innovation: Public Health, Green Transition, Innovation and Technology, and Capacities for Science and Higher Education. The AU-EU Innovation Agenda serves as a crucial framework for coordinated efforts and progress within these defined themes.

Through the newly launched "Dashboard of initiatives," projects, programmes, and partnerships actively contribute to our common agenda. By aligning policy efforts with specific actions, the Dashboard facilitates collaboration, reinforces existing initiatives, and propels future collaborations, thus amplifying the impact of the Innovation Agenda.

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