2024 European Elections: EU Citizens Voting from Australia

The European Elections are one of the biggest democratic events on the planet and the only multinational election in the world. Every five years, millions of Europeans participate in shaping the future of European democracy. It is a unique moment when we can all collectively decide on the future of the European Union. Because Europe is all of us, wherever we are.

Use Your Vote to Stand for Democracy

Voting is always important, be it at local, regional, national or European level. It is an excellent opportunity to have your say on the topics you care about. The more people vote, the stronger democracy becomes.

In an increasingly complex, unstable and inter-connected world, the European Union deals with global challenges that no EU country can tackle successfully on its own. Tackling the many challenges we face is no small task - and voting is your way to influence the direction the EU takes.


How to Vote?

Each EU country decides the date or dates during that period when the vote will take place.

If you are an EU citizen living in a third country outside the EU, including Australia, please check the information on how to vote from your country of origin. Please contact your embassy or consulate for more precise information.


Useful links:
How to join?

Each EU country decides the date or dates during that period when the vote will take place.

If you are an EU citizen living in Australia, please contact your embassy or consulate for more precise information on how to vote.