EU Delegation to Australia Supports Pride in Sport 2024 in Melbourne

The EU Delegation to Australia sponsored Pride in Sport Awards in Melbourne.The EU Delegation to Australia sponsored Pride in Sport Awards in Melbourne.


The European Union Delegation to Australia for the first time sponsored the Australian Pride in Sport event. EU Ambassador HE Gabriele Visentin presented the award to the LGBTQ+ Role Model of the Year, Greta Hayes, field hockey player, for her inspiring work in the community.

‘Sport offers an incredible pathway to individuals from diverse communities such as the LGBTQ+ to community acceptance and celebration of their authentic true selves’ said Ambassador Visentin. ‘I am pleased to say that through initiatives like this we are seeing an upsurge in acceptance which only a few years ago would not have been possible.’

Congratulations to all nominees and the winners as these awards are testament to your efforts in creating a more inclusive and safer world for all.

Richard Griffiths, A/CEO Hockey NSW collected the Award on Greta's behalf.

Pride in Sport 2024 Winners