Europe Day 2024 in Australia

On 9th May, the EU Delegation to Australia hosted the annual Europe Day Reception in Canberra, commemorating the historic Schuman Declaration and the vision it ignited for a united Europe.


Ambassador Visentin welcomed hundreds of distinguished guests for a celebration of shared values of unity, democracy, and solidarity.

Together with the EU Member States Ambassadors, we commemorated the 20th anniversary of the EU's biggest enlargement, when 10 European countries – Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia – joined the European Union.

Back in 1950, the Schuman Declaration marked the beginning of the journey towards European integration, fostering peace and cooperation among diverse nations. European integration is not just a beautiful idea – it is a testament to the power of unity and collaboration.

On Europe Day, we celebrate the Schuman Declaration, the manifesto of the European project, which made war among its members not merely unthinkable but materially impossible. In 2024, we also celebrate the 20th anniversary of the biggest ever enlargement of the EU, when 10 countries freely chose to join the EU, said Ambassador Visentin.

In his speech, the Ambassador reminded about the upcoming European Elections in June when EU citizens will exercise their democratic right and decide on Europe’s future.


Celebrating the EU-Australia Relations

Europe stands as a beacon of unity in diversity, values we proudly share with our Australian friends.

With a special exhibition of the Maria Callas: A Concert in Hologram tour, taking place across Australia in December 2023, we reflected on the importance of cultural diplomacy in fostering stronger collaboration and understanding between two geographically distant regions.

Europe Day 2024 Canberra


Europe Day Across Australia

On 9th May, national monuments in Canberra and Perth light up in blue and yellow to commemorate Europe Day.

Throughout May, the celebration continues nationwide with Europe Day events in Sydney, Brisbane, Hobart, Melbourne, and Perth.

Thank you for joining us as we commemorate these historic events of modern democracy.

Europe Day 2024 Canberra


Happy Europe Day, wherever you are!


Europe Day in Sydney

Europe Day 2024 in Sydney

Europe Day in Perth

Europe Day 2024 in Perth

Europe Day in Melbourne

Europe Day 2024 in Melbourne

Europe Day in Darwin

Europe Day 2024 in Darwin

Europe Day in Brisbane

Europe Day 2024 in Brisbane

Europe Day in Hobart

Europe Day 2024 in Hobart