Promoting Sustainable Health and Nutrition Opportunities for marginalised urban extreme poor population (PROSHOMON) in Bangladesh






Promoting Sustainable Health and Nutrition Opportunities for marginalised urban extreme poor population (PROSHOMON) in Bangladesh

More than 60% of the total health expenditure in Bangladesh is financed by the out of pocket expenditure from individuals. This figure shows the urgent need to increase health funding and financial pooling mechanisms even from a social protection perspective. With this pilot project PROSHOMON, the EU aims to present a model of health financing scheme with an use of a smart card/voucher and partnership among the local government, public and private health service providers that can be scaled up and contribute towards achieving universal health coverage (i.e. every people has access to quality health services whenever they need without any financial hardship).


From 01/02/2018 to 31/01/2021

Budget (Euro)

Total costs: EUR 2,552,614.65, EU Contribution EUR 1,914,460.99   


Chandpur Municipality, Feni Municipality

Implementing Organization (s)

Concern Worldwide

Sajida Foundation


Outcome (Specific Objectives)

The overall objective of the project is to improve the health and nutrition status of the extreme poor by increasing accessibility, coverage, comprehensiveness and sustainability of existing primary health and nutrition services in urban Bangladesh.

The Specific objective (Outcome) is to improve access to and utilisation of a free essential services package (ESP) of quality primary health care nutrition and population services by the extreme poor in Feni, and Chandpur Municipalities in Dhaka and Chittagong Divisions respectively.

Target group(s)

Municipalities, NGOs/Private hospitals and health facilities, MoHFW officials, households

Final beneficiaries

49,285 beneficiaries from15000 households