EU-SADC Trade Facilitation Programme (TFP) – (2019-2024)

Intra-regional trade in Southern Africa suffers from several challenges that mostly derive from the high cost of trading: poor infrastructure, restrictive practices, complex procedures, non-tariff barriers, sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures, and others. In addition, SADC economies are generally not active at the higher end of global value chains. The EU-SADC Trade Facilitation Programme (€15 million, 2019-2024) addresses barriers to trade and facilitates harmonisation and recognition of trade tools with the aim of increasing intra-regional and international trade and reaping the benefits of the EU-SADC Economic Partnership Agreement.


The programme has helped SADC develop SPS measures to ensure mutual recognition of food safety certificates in the region. Some Member States have already agreed to apply such measures while formal adoption is expected in 2024. The Regional Framework for the e-Certificate of Origin was adopted by the Committee of Ministers of Trade in June 2019. It was officially launched in September 2022 and four Member States are already implementing it. The programme also enabled the piloting of the Regional Customs Transit Guarantee in five Member States. The programme is developing a web portal on the EU-SADC Economic Partnership Agreement together with promotional videos to increase awareness of the potential benefits the private sector can seize from a better use of the opportunities offered by the trade agreement.