Local statement on the execution of Mr Phemelo Botogeleng


In light of the execution of Mr Phemelo Botogeleng , which took place on 11 June 2021, the Heads of Mission reaffirm their strong opposition to capital punishment in all circumstances and regret that Botswana retains the death penalty in law and in practice. Mr Botogeleng’s execution represents already the third capital punishment carried out by Botswana since the beginning of this year.

Local statement on the execution of Mr Phemelo Botogeleng 

The Delegation of the European Union issues the following statement together with the diplomatic missions of the EU Member States accredited to Botswana.

In light of the execution of Mr Phemelo Botogeleng , which took place on 11 June 2021, the Heads of Mission reaffirm their strong opposition to capital punishment in all circumstances and regret that Botswana retains the death penalty in law and in practice. Mr Botogeleng’s execution represents already the third capital punishment carried out by Botswana since the beginning of this year.

The death penalty is a cruel and inhumane punishment, which fails to deter criminal behaviour and which represents a grave denial of human dignity and integrity.  It makes any miscarriage of justice – which is an inherent risk in any legal system – irreversible. The African Continent has joined the growing trend towards abolition of the death penalty worldwide, with 87% of the members of the African Union having already abolished the death penalty or having stopped with executions over the last 10 years.

The Heads of Mission continue to call on Botswana to initiate a public debate on its use of the death penalty, as the Government of Botswana has already agreed in the Universal Periodic Review of the UN Human Rights Council in January 2018. They stand ready to share their experience with the process of abolishing the death penalty.