Support to the Implementation of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) in Botswana - (2020-2024)


This €6 million programme is enhancing the capacity of Botswana’s public and private sectors to fully reap the benefits of the EPA between the European Union and the Southern African Development Community (SADC). The EPA offers duty- and quota-free access to the EU market.

The programme aims to increase export-led growth in Botswana leading to job creation. This is being achieved by:

  1. increasing and diversifying non-mineral exports;
  2. attracting innovative technology and know-how through foreign direct investment;
  3. supporting the beef and leather value chains, and other non-traditional ones;
  4. enhancing enterprise and product competitiveness with growth and export potential; and
  5. strengthening youth entrepreneurship and women's economic empowerment.

Several key activities have taken place since the start of the programme. In July 2022, the programme facilitated the participation of Botswana in the Biofach Fair in Cologne, which led to the first shipment of Kalahari truffles to the EU. The programme is also supporting the development of a National Branding Strategy which is expected to be completed by the end of the year. The programme provides an important support to the quality infrastructure in Botswana, notably to improve the conformity assessment capacities of the Botswana Bureau of Standards. Over 200 customs officers have been trained on the diagonal cumulation provisions of the rules of origin under the EU-SADC EPA. In October 2023, the first edition of the EU-Botswana Business Forum will be organised in Gaborone, in partnership with the Botswana Investment and Trade Centre. The event is expected to gather over 300 participants under the theme “The EU and Botswana: Connecting Goods, People and Services for a Sustainable Future” and promote Botswana as a strategic destination for investment.