Call for proposal : The Digital Democracy Initiative (DDI) is a partnership between Denmark and the EU

The Digital Democracy Initiative (DDI) is a partnership between Denmark and the EU (DG-International Partnerships- G1) aimed at safeguarding inclusive democracy and human rights in the digital age.

Call for proposals

The Digital Democracy Initiative (DDI) is a partnership between Denmark and the EU (DG-International Partnerships- G1) aimed at safeguarding inclusive democracy and human rights in the digital age. The DDI focuses on support to local civil society in the Global South, particularly in countries undergoing democratic regression and where civic space is under pressure.

A DDI call for proposals was recently published. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 17 June.

    Lot 1: Combatting technology facilitated gender-based violence

    Lot 2: Leveraging digital technologies for climate activism

    Lot 3: Strengthening youth engagement in the digital democratic space