EU-China Summit: Defending EU interests and values in a complex and vital partnership


The European Union and China held their 22nd bilateral Summit via videoconference today, with the EU aiming to defend its interests and values in a complex and vital partnership. President of the European Council, Charles Michel, and President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, accompanied by High Representative Josep Borrell, held the Summit meeting with Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang, followed by exchanges with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

During their meeting, the EU and China addressed bilateral relations, regional and international issues as well as the COVID-19 pandemic and economic recovery. The EU also raised concerns on the deteriorating human rights situation and on Hong Kong, as well as a number of individual cases, including the continued arbitrary detention of Swedish citizen Gui Minhai and two Canadian citizens – Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor.

Please find the EU leaders’ full press release here


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