Ambassador Toledo's New Year Wishes

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As the Rabbit takes over from the Tiger, it gives me great pleasure to extend to everyone my best wishes for the New Year.

This is both a time of celebration, but also of reflection. 2022 has been a year full with global challenges. In Europe, we have also faced particularly serious challenges which have tested our resilience. But determination, unity, and political will have helped us overcome the difficulties.

Last year we unfortunately saw the return of war in Europe with the Russian aggression against Ukraine in breach of the principle of territorial integrity and the most basic tenets of the UN Charter. The EU acted, and continues to so, in unison and solidarity to help Ukraine and to deal with the global fallout of the war.

After three difficult years, we all welcome normal life gradually coming back to China allowing the resumption of regular domestic activities, international mobility and, with it soon hopefully, long awaited people to people exchanges. 

A very demanding year lies ahead. The EU is prepared to give its full commitment to carry forward Europe’s global responsibilities, support the dual transition to green and digital development and continue to promote innovative and sustainable development through the Global Gateway Initiative.

As the world recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, the EU and China, as two of the three top world economies, shoulder a great responsibility to lead in global recovery efforts. There is potential for us to conduct meaningful cooperation in areas such food security, health, energy, climate change and biodiversity. While we have our differences, we should continue to strive for meaningful dialogue, respect our joint international obligations and act towards the benefit of global community and contribute to peace and prosperity.

I know that in Chinese culture, the Rabbit is associated with peace and longevity. May the Year of the Rabbit bring lasting peace in Europe and stability and prosperity to every corner of the world.