EU Delegation to China hosts seminar on the Benefits of Women’s Empowerment

The Delegation of the European Union to China on 20 March 2024 hosted a seminar on the topic of “Benefits of Women’s Empowerment to the Economy and the Environment”. The event was part of the Empower Her March campaign, aimed to mark International Women’s Day and to promote gender equality as means to achieve more just, peaceful, and inclusive societies, prosperous and just economies, and a healthy planet for future generations.

Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to China Mattias Lentz opened the seminar. His remarks were followed by speeches on the topic by UN Women China Operations Manager & Officer-in-Charge Ms Weijia Luo, Ambassador of Spain to China Ms Marta Betanzos, Programme Analyst of UN Women China Ms Jinyi Wang and Ms Liu Wei, a lawyer representing the Public Interest Collaborative Network for Women Lawyers in China.

Mattias Lentz outlined the EU’s actions on women’s inclusion and empowerment and noted that “women and girls, in all their diversity, are key agents of change, innovation, and resilience. Their empowerment is vital for the creation of fair, inclusive, prosperous, and peaceful societies worldwide. This belief is not only embedded in our internal policies, but also guides our external actions and partnerships, including our strategic partnership with China.” Looking forward, he reiterated that “Together, with partners around the world, we will continue to strive for a world where every woman and girl can realize her full potential, contributing to a brighter, more equitable and more sustainable future for all.”

On behalf of UN Women, Ms Weijia Luo stressed, we must ensure that women are not only included but also empowered to lead in decision-making processes across all sectors, to drive gender responsive, pro-poor development strategies and meeting the diverse needs of women and girls. 

First female Ambassador of Spain to China, Ambassador Marta Betanzos spoke about the actions taken in her country towards bringing more women on board. She noted the importance of promoting gender equality in all realms of life and empowering women in a traversal way. Ambassador Betanzos said that “it is an obligation of both women and men, as members of our societies to get really engaged and committed to promote gender equality.” She concluded that women’s empowerment bring benefits in terms of growth, sustainability, peace and stability.”

Ms Jinyi Wang introduced the current progress and impact of the Women in Motion project, a programme funded by the EU and launched by the EU and UN Women China in 2023. Last year alone, the project engaged 100 companies, including those in the green sector, in mainland China to commit to gender equality, and equipped 200 middle or senior management of these companies with knowledge and enhanced capacity to promote gender equality in the workplace.

Lawyer Liu Wei shared stories of Chinese women facing disadvantages and discrimination in the context of labour market. She also analysed the regulatory and policy response by authorities to address gender biases that affect women negatively in their careers and personal lives.

After a round of questions from the audience, speakers and guests had the opportunity to continue exchanging views on the topic and exploring potential for collaboration. More than 50 people from EU Member States Embassies and representatives of private entities joined the event.

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More information:

Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to China Mattias Lentz’s speech at “Benefits of Women’s Empowerment to the Economy and the Environment” seminar

European Union and UN Women partner to advance the economic rights of women migrant workers in China

European Commission’s Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025

EU Gender Action Plan III

2023 EU gender equality report (Chinese translation available.)

2024 EU gender equality report

Empower Her March campaign