Product Safety: Trilateral EU-US-China Summit takes place in Hangzhou

On 10 April, the 8th Trilateral EU-US-China Summit on Product Safety took place in Hangzhou.

During the meeting, Yu Jianhua, Minister of the General Administration of Customs of China, Alexander Hoehn-Saric, Chair of the Consumer Product Safety Commission of the United States and Ana Gallego Torres, Director-General of the Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers, European Commission focused on exchanging views and information on how to further strengthen cooperation and information sharing on consumer product safety including in the context of the current digitalization of trade.

Trilateral Summits are an important occasion for product safety regulators and experts to develop a coordinated response to non-food product safety concerns. The main focus of this Summit was on strengthening trilateral cooperation on product safety in cross-border e-commerce. This included participants calling on online marketplaces to enhance product safety. Participants also emphasised the importance of joint training activities on product safety rules and requirements economic operators need to respect.


More information:

Joint Press Statement of the Trilateral Summit Participants

European Commission press article of 10 April 2024