EU Ambassador to the Kingdom of Tonga Presents his Credentials


The Ambassador of the European Union for the Pacific, His Excellency Sujiro Seam presented his letters of credence to His Majesty King Tupou VI of the Kingdom of Tonga in a virtual ceremony today.

During the credential ceremony, Ambassador Seam stressed the long-standing relation and friendship between the European Union and the Kingdom of Tonga, based on a legacy of shared values, common priorities and successful development cooperation.

''The Kingdom of Tonga and the European Union have developed a close relationship in the Pacific based on common priorities on climate change, sustainable development and oceans and a successful development cooperation”, Ambassador Seam told King Tupou VI and continued that “in particular, our long-standing cooperation in the energy sector has brought our partnership to a new level and has deepened EU’s cooperation and support both to the Kingdom of Tonga and its people. A good example of our partnership is the recent approval of the Tonga Energy Bill 2021.”

Ambassador Seam congratulated King Tupou VI and his people for keeping the Kingdom free from the coronavirus to date and reiterated the European Union’s support to the Kingdom of Tonga during these difficult times. The Kingdom of Tonga is one of the 15 countries in the Pacific benefitting from the Team Europe response to COVID-19.

Ambassador Seam underlined that the new European Union Strategy for cooperation in the Indo-Pacific offers new opportunities for partnership with the Kingdom of Tonga, with a view to achieving stability, security, prosperity and sustainable development.

 “I want to take this opportunity to thank the Kingdom of Tonga for taking the innovative step to allow the presentation of my letters of credence as the EU Ambassador accredited in Nuku’alofa via videoconference.  Hopefully, the success of the Kingdom against COVID-19 will soon allow me to visit in person.” concluded Ambassador Seam. 


For further information, contact: EU Press & Information Officer, Mohammed Nazeem KASIM in Suva, Fiji  on email: or