IWD2021: EU-funded Project Provides Pacific Women Scholarships for a Masters Course on climate change.


Ahead of the International Women’s Day on 8 March, we continue to share how the European Union actions or projects are empowering women in the Pacific.

Roslyn Nand from Fiji is one of the four students from the Pacific who was awarded a scholarship in 2020 for a Masters course on Climate Change. Her studies will focus on Integrating Gender equity in small-scale fisheries to improve food security resilience in Fiji, thanks to the European Union- funded Intra ACP GCCA+ Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change and Resilience Building (PACRES) project.

‘’As a teacher I felt I needed to know more in order to deliver better”, said Ms Nand, who was previously teaching at Sacred Heart College in Fiji. “This would help me create a generation that would understand the causes and effects of climate change and be responsible for their actions”. She said her research would focus on generation gender equity in small-scale fisheries to improve food security resilience.’’ said Nand.


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