European Union and Norway jointly inaugurate solar plant

The European Union in Ghana and the Embassy of Norway in Ghana have jointly inaugurated a solar plant for the Ghana Nuts Company Ltd in Techiman, Ghana.

The new solar installation for Ghana Nuts is a great example of how renewable energy can benefit both the environment and the local businesses. Ghana Nuts is a major agro processor and exporter of a wide range of edible oils, including shea and soya products, as well as live-stock feed meals.

"We are excited about the commissioning of this solar installation, which will significantly reduce our energy costs and carbon footprint. This project is an important step towards achieving our sustainability goals.” said Obed Asante, Founder and CEO, Ghana Nuts.

The solar PV system is expected to generate 738.096KWh electricity in the first year (equivalent to the energy used by 992 households). It will offset 22% of the factory’s total energy costs and will avoid 9 864 tonnes of lifetime CO2 carbon emissions. This high quality solar panel investment package is developed and implemented by Stella Futura and Corks Energy including warrantee and maintenance over 20 years and financed by Empower New Energy.

The installation of the solar PV system created 98 job opportunities for men and women in the local community during the construction phase and continues to provide employment during the operation and maintenance of the system with a specific focus on women employment.

"This solar investment project in Ghana is a great example of how renewable energy can benefit both the environment and the local businesses. We are proud of the positive contribution to the increase of renewable energy part in the energy mix in Ghana thanks to our EU ElectriFi initiative. It enables Empower to support more dynamics and job-creating companies such as Ghana Nuts to be greener and more competitive.” says Paulina Rozycka, Head of the Infrastructure and Sustainable Development Section of the EU delegation to Ghana.

European Union and Norway are financing Empower New Energy, a leading renewable energy investment company, supporting the private sector to benefit from renewable energy solutions. Ghana Nuts is their third beneficiary in Ghana.