EU-India Partnership On Research & Innovation


The EU and India have in common priorities that will be central in shaping the world's agenda in the wake of COVID-19. We will continue to work on better preparedness and resilience, but we also need to join forces to combat climate change and to foster green, digital, just and resilient economies. This is reflected in the EU-India Strategic Partnership, which set the pace for our cooperation upto 2025. To achieve this common agenda, increased efforts on R&I will be necessary.

EU-India cooperation and Research and Innovation is a success story. It started in 2001 with the conclusion of the Science and Technological cooperation agreement, and renewed in May 2020 for another five years. Both scientific communities value each other and there is ample scope for future cooperation.

Global crisis, such as COVID-19 pandemic, require research and international cooperation.

For more details, please refer to the brochure below: