EU Delegation hosts Women in Society, Women in Politics round table discussion


On the eve of the International Women’s Day, the European Union Delegation to Kenya and its Team Europe Ambassadors held a round table discussion with Kenyan women leaders.

On 7th March 2022, the EU Delegation and its Member States Ambassadors held a round table discussion with leading Kenyan women on the topic “Women in Society, Women in Politics.”  Among the invited guests roundtable were women leaders active in Politics, from the Non-Governmental Organizations and representatives of business entities and media.

Opening the session, EU Ambassador to Kenya Henriette Geiger, invited the women to celebrate the achievements of all women around the globe, while also keeping our thoughts with the Ukrainian women who are currently suffering.

The discussions focused on the journey the women in Kenya have gone though, and sought collective solutions to some of the common challenges the women generally experience.

Ambassador Geiger, who is also the Co-Chair of the Gender Development Partners Working Group, noted that gender parity could increase Africa’s GDP up to 10% by 2025. She noted that the gender roundtable would provide an entry point for continued dialogue with Kenyan women and provide an opportunity to for cooperation with the women through the EU’s development work.

The women leaders at the roundtable shared their experiences including the hurdles they faced and strategies they used to overcome these hurdles.

The European Union Delegation will come up with an action document spelling the roadmap to implement some of the ideas proposed during the discussion.