Global Gateway: launch of the Green Resilient Electricity System Programme for Kenya

During the IEA 9th Annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency today, European Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson and Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary of Energy and Petroleum Davis Chirchir, launched the Green Resilient Electricity System Programme for Kenya, with the support of Global Gateway, Europe's investment strategy for the world.

The Green Resilient Electricity System Programme will support Kenya’s goal of a complete transition to 100% clean power generation by 2030 and it will boost Kenya's sustainable energy future by providing critical investments and capacity-building measures to expand the country's production of green electricity as well as improving grid stability and efficiency.

At the launch, Commissioner Simson said, “The programme will support Kenya’s socio-economic development and green transition. It boosts the renewable energy sector by increasing electricity generation capacity, through additional generation from hydro, geothermal and solar sources, and strengthening reliability and efficiency of the transmission system”.

Cabinet Secretary Chirchir noted, “By making the Kenyan energy system more resilient, efficient and clean, the programme definitely contributes to Kenya’s energy and climate goals, powering socio-economic growth and transformation, as well as , supporting green industrialization, employment and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions”.

The Programme has been developed under EU’s Global Gateway initiative in close cooperation with the Kenyan government and the Team Europe partners KfW and EIB. It will provide technical assistance and capacity building for the Kenyan implementing partners to ensure the successful and timely implementation of the project components.

Team Europe and Kenya are investing up to KES 36 billion (EUR 256 million) to finance the Programme, including the contribution of KES 2.8 billion (EUR 20 million) in grant provided by EU.

Background - Global Gateway climate investments in Africa and Kenya

Team Europe is the world's biggest climate finance contributor providing at least a third of the world's public climate finance. The €150 billion Global Gateway EU-Africa Investment Package aims to support Africa for a strong, inclusive, green and digital recovery and transformation.

In Kenya, Global Gateway invests overall €3.4 billion in climate and nature, from developing renewable energy industry to building sustainable agricultural value chains to climate resilience and protecting the environment.

For example, the EU is supporting the development and operationalisation of the Nairobi Clean Bus Rapid Transit Line 3 (BRT 3) as part of the strategic Northern Corridor boosting trade, jobs and prosperity in Kenya and the region. To this end, Team Europe and Kenya are investing up to €350 million. This operation will build the first dedicated electric bus line in East Africa.

European Union Delegation to Kenya

Beatrice Hongo

Press and Information Officer

European Union Delegation to Kenya