Launch of the EU Youth Empowerment Fund

To mark the first anniversary of the Youth Action Plan in EU External Action, the European Commission and the Big Six Youth Organisation will announce the launch of a new partnership to implement the EU Youth Empowerment Fund.

A flagship of the Youth Action Plan, the EU Youth Empowerment Fund is a €10 Mio pilot initiative that will provide direct financial support to youth-led initiatives in EU partner countries across the world. It will focus on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals at local level, with a particular focus on environment, climate change, and the inclusion of youth in situations of vulnerability and from disadvantaged backgrounds.

The EU Youth Empowerment Fund will be introduced by European Commissioner for International Partnerships, Jutta Urpilainen and Carlos Sanvee (CEO of the YMCA) in representation of the Big Six. They will be joined by the Commissioner’s Special Advisor on Youth, Members of the EU Youth Sounding Boards for International Partnerships, young activists from the Women and Young People in Democracy Programme, the Global Youth Mobilization and the Big Six Youth Organisations will share personal stories and debate challenges to youth empowerment.

03:00 pm - 04:00 pm
Online event
How to join?

 We will be live on the EU Delegation to Kenya YouTube Channel and Facebook page. Please follow and set the notification button on to join when we go live.