Statement of the International Support Group for Lebanon

On the third anniversary of the catastrophic explosion at the Port of Beirut on 4 August 2020, the members of the International Support Group for Lebanon (ISG) express their solidarity with the families of the victims and with those whose lives, homes, and livelihoods were severely affected by this tragic event.

Three years since this deadly explosion left over 220 people dead, and many thousands injured and rendered homeless, the families of the victims and the Lebanese people are left wanting for truth, justice and accountability.

The ISG laments the lack of progress in the judicial proceedings. The ISG calls on the Lebanese authorities to lift all obstacles hindering the pursuit of justice and facilitate the completion of an impartial, thorough and transparent investigation.

Ensuring judicial accountability and combatting impunity is integral to restoring the credibility of Lebanon’s state institutions. The stalemate in the port explosion investigation underscores the urgent need to safeguard the independence, impartiality and integrity of the Lebanese judiciary. The members of the ISG call on the Lebanese Parliament to accelerate the adoption of necessary legislation to strengthen the independence of the judiciary in line with international standards.

The ISG continues to stand by Lebanon and its people.


The International Support Group has brought together the United Nations and the governments of China, France, Germany, Italy, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States, together with the European Union and the Arab League.  It was launched in September 2013 by the UN Secretary-General with former President Michel Sleiman to help mobilize support and assistance for Lebanon’s stability, sovereignty and state institutions.