Lesotho and the EU Launch 'Metsi a Lesotho' Programme: Promoting Clean Water and Sanitation in Rural Areas, Safeguarding Water and Land Resources for Future Generations

The European Union (EU) and the Government of Lesotho have launched Metsi a Lesotho, a new programme aimed at providing communities in Lesotho with access to clean water and sanitation services while sustainably managing water and land resources for current and future generations.


Today, the European Union (EU) and the Government of Lesotho launch Metsi a Lesotho, a new programme to ensure communities in Lesotho have access to clean water and sanitation services, while preserving water and land resources for present and future generations.

Metsi a Lesotho will construct or rehabilitate water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities in 250 rural communities, 125 schools, and 15 clinics. These include systems for the collection, treatment, storage, and distribution of water, inclusive of ablution facilities. The programme will also contribute to ReNOKA – Lesotho’s national movement to restore land and water, upon which the nation’s health, food systems, infrastructure, and livelihoods crucially depend.

Demonstrating its ongoing commitment to supporting Lesotho's water sector, the European Union is injecting €27 million (LSL 540 million) into Metsi A Lesotho to achieve its objectives. Metsi a Lesotho is part of the Global Gateway, Europe’s strategy to boost smart, clean and secure connections in digital, climate, energy and transport sectors, and to strengthen health, education and research systems across the world.

This new programme will enhance strategic planning and the development of water policies and regulations. It will equip water management professionals with the essential skills needed for their vital roles. Additionally, water and soil data will be generated, updated, and shared to improve services and ensure sector accountability.

Metsi a Lesotho is part of the Global Gateway, Europe’s strategy to boost smart, clean and secure connections in digital, climate, energy and transport sectors, and to strengthen health, education and research systems across the world.

In celebration of Europe Month, the European Union and its partners in the Lesotho Government host a signing ceremony to inaugurate Metsi a Lesotho.

Importance of Metsi a Lesotho

 “Preserving the environment and socio-economic prosperity are not contradictory objectives, but one and the same”, says EU Ambassador Paola Amadei. “Water is not an endless resource, even less so as we battle with the ongoing climate crisis, in a region – Southern Africa – which is bound to become more water-scarce”, she adds.

Metsi a Lesotho, the new EU-funded programme launched today, represents the latest chapter in the nearly 50-year partnership between the Kingdom of Lesotho and the European Union, a partnership rooted in long-term sustainability, shared prosperity, and quality investments. Inspired by the Global Gateway strategy, Metsi a Lesotho aims to ensure that more communities in Lesotho have access to clean water and sanitation services, while preserving water and land resources for present and future generations”, she continues. “The programme will build upon the EU's previous investments in the water sector, such as the Metolong Dam, Phase II of the Lesotho Lowlands Water Development Programme, and the rehabilitation of wastewater treatment plants in Maseru. We are expanding our support to rural remote communities, schools, and health centres, where access to safe water sources has not yet been realized”, she adds.

Speaking at the Ceremony Minister of Finance, Dr. Retšelisitsoe Matlanyane indicated that under this Multi - Annual Programme, about 75% of the resources have been programmed towards the water and energy sectors, and it is one of the greenest cooperation programmes. "The Government of Lesotho is very much appreciative of the good cooperation and continued support of the EU and we are looking forward to full utilisation of the resources made available to us", she said.

A Testament to the Shared Belief in Access to Safe Water and Sanitation

The success of Metsi a Lesotho hinges on the EU's partnership with key stakeholders in the Kingdom's water sector. The Government of Lesotho and its relevant Ministries and government departments have collaborated with Team Europe on the programme. The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) plays a crucial role in expanding access to water and sanitation services by overseeing the construction or refurbishment of facilities in rural areas, schools, and healthcare centres.

The funding provided by the EU remains open to further contributions from collaborative partners.

The programme will use various methods such as developing WASH facilities, conserving land and water, creating policies, enhancing skills of stakeholders in Lesotho’s public and private sectors, and managing data.

Metsi a Lesotho is also poised to enhance strategic planning by facilitating the development of water policies and regulations, while providing water management professionals with the necessary skills to perform their crucial roles. Water and soil data will be produced, updated and shared to improve services and accountability.

Additionally, Metsi a Lesotho will also provide additional funding for ReNOKA, Lesotho's flagship initiative to protect and conserve the water and land resources of the Mountain Kingdom and the Orange-Senqu River Basin, bringing the current EU contribution from €28 million to €38 million (LSL 761 million). Currently, ReNOKA implements rehabilitation measures in 18 priority areas with the aim of extending coverage to 50% of vulnerable sub-catchments (19 more out a total of 74) through collaborative efforts with local communities. Its current efforts have successfully reclaimed 565 hectares of watersheds, resulting in the rejuvenation of wetlands, regeneration of grasslands, and the return of native flora and fauna in some of the targeted areas.

The collaborative efforts are a testament to the shared belief that access to safe and affordable water and sanitation is a basic human right, crucial for sustainable development.

A multi-faceted partnership

Concurrent to the launch of the Metsi a Lesotho programme, representatives at the highest level of the Government of Lesotho and the European Union and its Member States convene in Maseru for the traditional Lesotho-EU Partnership Dialogue, coinciding with the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Basotho nation and as the 50th anniversary of Lesotho-EU relations approaches.

Celebrating the EU’s longstanding relationship with Lesotho, the Dialogue serves as a crucial platform for comprehensive discussions on regional concerns, global priorities, and issues of mutual interest, such as trade and investment, sustainable development, human rights, follow-up to the EU Election Observation Mission, constitutional reforms, and cooperation programmes, with the dialogue.

Guided by the Samoa Agreement, the new overarching framework for EU relations with 79 countries in Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific (ACP), covering a population of around 2 billion people and aiming to strengthen the capacity of the EU and ACP countries to jointly address global challenges.

The EU Delegation comprising representatives from twelve EU countries, namely, Germany, France, Poland, Spain, Slovakia, Italy, Czech Republic, together with representatives of Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Portugal and Sweden headed by Ambassador Paola Amadei, will participate in the Dialogue.

For more information:  

Mookho Makhetha, European Union

Litemoso Thatho, Ministry of Finance and Development Planning
+266 6316 6519