New Call for Research Proposals under EU's Regional Teachers Initiative for Africa


The Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) is seeking innovative research projects to enhance teacher well-being and effectiveness in Sub-Saharan Africa. By addressing issues such as teacher shortage, attrition, and professional development, these initiatives aim to improve educational outcomes and support sustainable development.

General information

The Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) has announced a call for research proposals from public or private non-profit organisations established in Europe or Africa that operate within a consortium of European and African organisations. This call is part of the Regional Teachers Initiative for Africa, which is itself part of the EU’s Global Gateway.

The overall aim of this call is to generate deeper understanding for policy and practice relevant recommendations on how teacher training and teacher well-being at work can be made more effective in Sub-Saharan Africa, ultimately aiming to reduce teacher shortage and attrition in Sub-Saharan Africa. More specifically, the call aims to:

  1. Generate new evidence on effective teacher policies and practices to address challenges related to teacher governance, teacher preparation and teaching, and the attractiveness of the teaching profession in early childhood education, primary and/or lower secondary education in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  2. Strengthen research capacities in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  3. Disseminate findings so that the evidence produced can inform policy formulation, program design and implementation in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  4. Encourage partnerships of universities and research institutions both within Africa and between Africa and Europe.


In this call, eligible organisations are public or private non-profit organizations (universities, research institutes, research departments, I/NGOs etc.) that are established in Europe or Africa and act in a consortium. The minimum consortium size is 1 European and 2 African partners and the maximum size for the whole consortium is 7 partners (one lead and six partners).

Information webinar

The information webinar of the call is arranged online on 11 October 2024 at 13h00-15h00 (Helsinki time). The webinar will be held in English and translated into French and Portuguese.

Full application details on the Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) website.

Contact Details

Questions and clarifications related to the themes of the call shall be sent to erja.hanninen(at) and sinituuli.suominen(at) and will be replied on an on-going basis on the  Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) website only. The deadline for the final questions and clarification is three weeks before the deadline of the call, that is, on 8 November 2024, and the final answers and clarifications will be provided by EDUFI by 15 November 2024.

Questions related to technical issues regarding the database can be sent to antti.seppanen(at)

Questions related to the Finnish Authenticator Application are answered by telephone +358 295 53 5115 or by organisaatiopalvelut(at)

Before contacting the authorities, please see the video on how to install the Finnish Authenticator app (How to submit your application).