Remarks by H.E Paola Amadei, Head of the European Union Delegation to Lesotho at the 2024 #EUBeachCleanUp event in Lesotho

Morija, Maseru, Lesotho
Press and information team of the Delegation to LESOTHO

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Khotsong Bo-’M’e le bo-Ntate, partners, educators, and young guardians of our precious planet, I am honoured to stand before you today, filled with gratitude and hope.

Our gathering here is not just a volunteer effort but also a demonstration of our unified community's dedication to the well-being of our rivers and, by extension, our oceans.

I take great pride in the European Union's unwavering commitment to environmental education and action, exemplified once again through the #EUBeachCleanUp campaign globally and in Lesotho.

The event today builds upon the clean-up of the Mohokare River, a tributary of the Orange-Senqu River, which took place at Ha Thetsane Lesia. This initiative brought together key partners including ReNOKA, the Orange-Senqu River Commission (ORASECOM), the Lesotho Government, Lesotho Lowlands Water Development Project Phase II and III, volunteers, and 200 students from four schools in Maseru and Berea in September 2023.

During this week, through our collective effort, we have managed to engage 1335 primary school students from Morija Primary, Matsieng Primary, St Louis Primary in the Morija and Matsieng districts of Maseru, along with the American International School of Lesotho, with 80 students participating in today’s clean-up.

Our objective is clear: to foster sustainable environmental stewardship through advocacy, education, and hands-on engagement. Through this campaign, we aim to raise awareness about plastic pollution and littering, engaging students in activities both in their classrooms and along the rivers.

This year, our initiative, coinciding with the Mountain Kingdom's 200th - anniversary celebrations, underscores the EU's enduring commitment to empower young people and instilling a sense of environmental responsibility from an early age.

This initiative would not be possible without two incredible players that have been relentless in their efforts to protect our rivers and oceans: the ReNOKA movement, Pheha Plastics and The Hub. This partnership is a testimony to our commitment to working together, at local, but also regional and global level, to safeguard our rivers and restore our land and water.

It is crucial that we understand the pressing issue that brings us together. Our rivers, the lifeblood of our planet, are in danger. Many of you have witnessed first-hand the devastating impact of pollution, particularly from plastics, today. In June 2022, during our World Environment Day photographic exhibition of climate change and environmental degradation, Bohlokoa Limpholo from Matsieng Primary School eloquently expressed her concerns about water pollution. Today, as we gather here, we are answering "her call" by taking action.

Plastic pollution not only disrupts ecosystems and endangers wildlife but also infiltrates our food chain, posing a threat to human health. The #EUBeachCleanUp campaign is our response to this global crisis, aiming to raise awareness and mobilise action to clean up rivers and beaches worldwide. This campaign values the strength of collective action.

As we stand here in Morija today, it is no coincidence that our clean-up efforts converge in Morija, as it is an active community where several initiatives targeting the youth and the protection of the environment are converging. Morija, envisioned as a green, waste free community is also the home of the 2024 EU Ambassador for a Day winner and Mentee Motšelisi Mohapeloa, who joined us today.

Once again, a big thank you to our partners, ReNOKA and Pheha Plastics, for their invaluable support. Thank you also to the students and teachers of the, Morija, Matsieng, St Louis Primary schools, and the American International School of Lesotho for inspiring us all.

Allow me also to express my deepest gratitude to the Ministry of Natural Resources, local and traditional authorities, the Geography and Environmental Movement (GEM), the Mantsopa Rotary Club and Maseru City Council.

We appreciate your commitment and we count on you to help find a structural, long-lasting, and sustainable solution to the challenge of waste management.

The Morija clean-up campaign stands as a testament to the transformative power of youth-led environmental action and underscores the EU's unwavering commitment to nurturing a sustainable future for Lesotho and beyond.