EULINK/Rawabet Project: A Milestone Achieved in Securing Libya's Coastal Road and Fostering Unity

Tripoli, February 14, 2024 – Today, at km 50 of the coastal road, the European Ambassador to Libya, Mr Nicola Orlando, joined MG Ali Nuwesri and MG Mahdi Bianko from the Security Arrangements Committee, MG Mukhtar Al Naqasa of the Joint Military Committee 5+5, Col. Youssef Buzarig, Operational Commander of the Coastal Road Security Unit, and Lt. Colonel Mohammed Darat, Director of the Special Operations Department (GDSO), at a ceremony to mark the completion of the first phase of the European Union (EU)-funded EULINK/Rawabet. The project, which was launched in response to the Security Arrangements Committee’s request and implemented by GOPA-PACE (formerly B&S Europe), will have a lasting impact on the security of the Coastal Road in implementation of the 2020 ceasefire agreement.

Safer travel, stronger communities:

The EULINK/Rawabet project, launched in October 2021, aimed to bolster security on the Coastal Road, a key artery for trade and travel. This objective has been achieved through:

  • Three secure checkpoints: Gate Abu Grein, Gate 50, and Gate 30 now stand operational, ensuring effective control and monitoring of the road.
  • Empowered police forces: Over 350 police personnel from both eastern and western Libya have received training in essential skills, fostering trust and collaboration.
  • Improved infrastructure: Key police infrastructure at the gates has been rehabilitated, and electricity supply has been partially restored along the road.
  • Enhanced medical care: Ambulances, first-aid kits, and dedicated medical training have strengthened emergency response capabilities.

Building bridges, fostering unity:

Beyond security, the project has served as a bridge between Libyans from different regions:

  • Joint training and operations: Bringing together police officers from across the country has fostered trust and cooperation.
  • Capacity building: Libyan training capacities have been strengthened, promoting self-reliance and sustainability.
  • Conceptualizing a unified future: The project has supported the development of the Coastal Road Security Unit (CRSU).

A brighter future for Libya:

The EU remains committed to supporting Libya's journey towards lasting peace and stability. While inaugurating the conclusion of the project’s first phase today European Union Ambassador to Libya, Nicola Orlando, announced that a second phase will be launched soon thanks to European support. The EULINK/Rawabet project stands as a testament to the power of collaboration in building a secure and unified future for all Libyans.

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