Celebrating Europe Day in Malaysia with special events


EU in Malaysia celebrated Europe Day 2021 by lighting up the iconic Kuala Lumpur Tower in the heart of Malaysia’s capital. It was visible all evening to people within KL, the blue colour illuminating the 421-metre tower while the 12 golden stars were laser-projected onto it.

EU in Malaysia also played a Europe Day message on the country’s first-of its-kind giant LED screen at Pavilion Mall near the Pavilion Crystal Fountain.

Ambassador H.E Michalis Rokas, the ambassador filmed his speech on the tower terrace, braving the rain and making sure that safety regulations were complied with, to convey his message of the EU’s solidarity and friendship with Malaysia.

“The EU and Malaysia are long-standing partners. Throughout this pandemic, we have been working hard and tirelessly to try to help each other. We can build a better future together,” he said.

Malaysia’s Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, the honourable Khairy Jamaluddin, also conveyed a warm message of congratulations to EU in Malaysia on Europe Day. “Cooperation is key to fighting this pandemic, we are stronger when we work together,” he said.

As pandemic restrictions prevent physical events, EU in Malaysia organised the fully online I *star* EU Photography Showdown, a photo competition encouraging shutterbugs across Malaysia to submit a photos of star-shaped objects.

Congratulations to the winners! Ten winners were chosen and prizes from EU in Malaysia and Member States embassies. The winners were announced on the Delegation’s social media channels.


