UnEarthing - Dance theater production


The multimedia dance theater production explores how we could live within planetary boundaries again and sustain life on Earth for generations to come


Resource depletion, climate change, biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse – a rapidly accumulating list of crises may evoke fear of a pending apocalypse. However, the original meaning of the ancient Greek word is ‘when things reveal themselves.’

The performance UnEarthing will take the audience on a journey through human history to discover which values and resulting worldviews have brought us to the present.

The performance will be interactive, thus audience will have a unique opportunity to affect the unfolding events. Can a viable and responsible path forward be developed?

In essence, UnEarthing discusses how artists can transform scientific insight into societal understanding and how scholars and practitioners in natural sciences, humanities, social sciences, and arts can collaborate to create a coherent narrative to support the transformation toward sustainability.

UnEarthing premiered on 22nd November 2019 at the World Science Forum in Budapest. Directed by Gloria Benedikt the performance has been revised and adapted to a Latin American audience. Translation into Spanish will be provided. Dancers come from Austria, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Poland, UK and Mexico. The event is supported by the Austrian Embasssy to Mexico, the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, and the EU-LAC Foundation. As an EU as Guest of Honour contribution it forms part of the Guadalajara International Book Fair’s Science Program FIL Ciencia.


Teatro Vivian Blumenthal, Calle Tomás V. Gómez 125, 44650 Guadalajara
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