Europe Day in Music


Well-known European orchestras and choirs have shared the videos of their beautiful performances to celebrate Europe Day, spreading a message of solidarity, unity and peace.

This Saturday 9 May we celebrate Europe Day. As noted by Jean Monnet, one of the founding fathers of the European project, “[Through the European project] we are not forming coalitions of states, we are uniting men”. 

The COVID-19 crisis has made contacts between people more difficult, but European have shown great resilience to maintain cross-borders connections, not least through artistic and cultural initiatives.

The videos that you find on this page are some examples of how European citizens and organisations have continued to engage with one another - and with the rest of the world – through the universal language of music.

Even in these difficult days Europeans stand together to celebrate European unity.

Viva l'Orchestra : La valse n°2 de Chostakovitch avec l’Orchestre National de France

Après un Boléro en confinement au succès international, les musiciens de l’orchestre national de France ont souhaité inviter tous les amateurs de musique, seul ou en famille, des quatre coins de l’Europe, à vivre un moment de partage encore plus grand, avec la Valse n°2 de laSuite de Jazz de Dimitri Chostakovitch. Un “concert en confinement” au format inédit, seul ou en famille, auquel chacun, avec ou sans instrument, a pu participer. Pour préparer cet événement, les musiciens de l’orchestre ont réalisé des tutoriels vidéo uniques, pour que chacun et chacune, niveau débutant ou confirmé, puisse jouer cette célèbre Valse ! Voici donc la version de l’Orchestre National de France : 

Remote video URL


Thessaloniki State Symphony Orchestra

The timeless message of solidarity and the strong belief in human's ability to triumph over difficulties are expressed in Friedrich Schiller's poem "Ode to Joy," which Beethoven used in the finale of his famous Ninth Symphony. (Symphony no. 9). This message is more important this year, that Europe will celebrate this Europe Day in this unique situation. After all, Beethoven is always holding true, even 250 years since his birth. The Thessaloniki State Symphony Orchestra wishes to send everyone this message, with a little help from technology, through this video made in cooperation with ERT3, directed by Tilemachos Koemtzopoulos. The musicians and conductor Zoi Tsokanou have created this video while staying in their homes, showing continued creativity while practicing and preparing for their next engagement with the public, as soon as conditions will allow.

Remote video URL


Europa InCanto - 700 children sing "Nessun Dorma" - Turandot

Un messaggio di speranza per la festa dell’Europa

Nonostante il lockdown e le limitazioni alla nostra vita di tutti i giorni, i bimbi di tutta Europa lanciano un messaggio forte: solo tutti insieme possiamo farcela a sconfiggere l’emergenza sanitaria. In un coro virtuale realizzato da Europa InCanto 700 bambini cantano sulle note dell’aria piu’ celebre della Turandot “Nessun dorma”.

A message of hope for Europe day

Despite the lockdown and limitations to our everyday life, children across Europe  wish to send a strong message: only altogether we can manage to defeat this health emergency. In a virtual choir created by Europa InCanto 700 children sing on the notes of the most famous air of Turandot "Nessun dorma".

Remote video URL


Viva l’Orchestra (France Musique) (video with 600 amateurs musicians)

L’Orchestre national de France a lancé un défi à tous les musiciens amateurs d’Europe. Ils ont été plus de 4000 à participer ! Le résultat est à la hauteur, voici le résultat de ce beau concert confiné réunissant les 600 premières vidéos reçues. Cela célèbre bien la communion des musiciens éloignés en cette période. 

Remote video URL


Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra

We’re adjusting to a new reality and we’ll have to find solutions in order to support each other. Creative forces help us, let’s think outside of the box and use innovation to keep our connection and make it work, together. Because if we do it together, we’ll succeed.

Remote video URL



Online events, Brussels