Support to Civil Society in the occupied Palestinian territory / NDICI Country Allocation (Budget 2022 & 2023)


The Multi Annual Action Plan (MAAP) 2021-2024 of the Thematic Programme for Civil Society Organisations under the Neighbourhood Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) was adopted by the European Commission on 16 December 2021. The programme continues to focus on the 3 priorities stemming from the 2012 Communication on "The roots of democracy and sustainable development: Europe's engagement with Civil Society in external relations": 1) improving the enabling environment for Civil Society, 2) strengthening CSO partner capacities and 3) increasing efforts for a more inclusive CSO participation in dialogue. It also aligns with the European Commission priorities on Governance, Peace and Security, and Human Development.

The actions resulting from this call for proposals will serve to complement and reinforce bilateral and regional programmes through support for CSOs working in the EU Delegation priority areas and sectors of cooperation, and through its focus on improving the environment in which they operate. This will enable them to participate in an informed way in dialogue with the EU and national and local actors, representing and voicing the concerns of people in vulnerable and marginalised situations, and contribute to combatting inequalities. It will, furthermore, strengthen the ability of CSOs to implement and monitor initiatives funded under the bilateral and regional programmes and thereby contributes to the successful implementation of EU policies in line with the overarching aim to respect the independence and right to initiative of civil society.

Civil society is an important and potent contributor to transparent, participatory governance and in supporting the sustainable development process underway.

European-Palestinian bilateral support takes place in the framework of the European Joint Strategy for Palestine 2021-2024, which is aligned with the Palestinian National Policy Agenda 2017-2022 "Citizens First" and its sectoral plans.

Under the framework of the European Joint Strategy, the Joint European Roadmap for Engagement with Civil Society in Palestine (2018-2020)[1], currently under revision, has been endorsed by European Member States in March 2019, together with Norway and Switzerland, to emphasise the role of civil society in policy development and in monitoring the implementation of laws and policies. The objective of the Roadmap is to help create an environment where civil society organisations are able to fully play their legitimate role in Palestinian society not only as service providers, but also as advocates and watchdogs. The Roadmap illustrates the importance of European engagement in contributing to an enabling environment for civil society and strong, inclusive and democratic Palestinian institutions, based on the rule of law and respect for human rights.

For all information related to the call, please visit the below link:


Contact Details

Two information sessions on this call for proposals will be held on 08.02.2023 from 10h-13h (Jerusalem time) in hybrid format.

Questions may be sent by e-mail no later than 21 days before the deadline for the submission of concept notes to the address below, indicating clearly the reference of the call for proposals: