Furniture and various items/ white goods
The Delegation of the European Union to Papua New Guinea is selling by public tender in the frame of a silent auction furniture and various white goods as per attached list of 62 lots.
Interested parties are invited for an inspection of items in the area of Harbour City on Monday, 6 June 2022 from 09:00-12:00; Tuesday 7 June 2022 from 13:00-16:00; and Wednesday 8 June 2022 from 12:00-18:00 after registration to following e-mail with Subject: “AUCTION 2022”.
and provision of following details:
- Name
- Family Name
- Mobile Phone Number
- E-mail address
- Car licence Plate Number
- Time slot for the inspection
Details of the location for inspection will be provided upon registration.
Tenders must be submitted in a sealed envelope either hand delivered or sent to the PO Box until 9 June 2022 17:00, whereas following must be indicated on the front side of the envelope:
Lot no. “X”
EU Delegation to Papua New Guinea
Tender/ Auction Committee
BSP Haus, 6th Floor
Harbour City
Port Moresby
PO Box 76
If several tenders are in one envelope, all lots should be indicated on the envelope.
For the bid, attached template must be used, indicating:
- Lot No. X
- price offered in PGK
- Name
- Family Name
- Mobile Phone Number
- E-mail address
For each lot a separate bid must be provided.
By sending a bid, the successful bidder agrees to buy the item on an "as is" basis without any warranty. All expenses related to the transfer of ownership are to be borne by the successful bidder. The EU Delegation to Papua New Guinea will not accept any responsibility or liability for the items after the sale.
Successful bidders will be notified and receive a purchase agreement, indicating the account number to which the agreed price must be transferred within 3 days. Should the amount not have been received within the agreed time, the next lower bidder will be contacted.
Upon receipt of the payment the item(s) must be collected within two days but no later than 16 June 2022.
The Delegation of the European Union to Papua New Guinea reserves the right to set a reasonable target price for each item and may halt or cancel the sale or withdraw any item of the auction at any stage of this public tender.
No enquiries by phone or e-mail will be accepted.
Notifications to successful bidders will only be provided by e-mail.
See the list of items here and the template to use for your bid here.
Annex: template for tenders
BSP Haus, 6th Floor, Harbour City, Port Moresby
PO Box 76 Port Moresby, 121, Papua New Guinea
Telephone: (+675) 308 2400