“Kovcheg is always on hand” project: EU solidarity with people with disabilities in Kaliningrad


Kaliningrad regional public organization of disable “Kovcheg” has started the implementation of an EU-funded project “Kovcheg is always on hand”. It aims at assisting people with disabilities in Kaliningrad during the coronavirus crisis. The project delivers food baskets and protective items to their households, and provides support services. In addition, through the project activities four healthcare institutions in Kaliningrad will get barrier-free access equipment for wheelchair users

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupts the livelihood and overall wellbeing of people all over the world and puts national health systems under unprecedented pressure. Persons with disabilities are experiencing particularly difficult situations and may be impacted more significantly by the pandemic and restrictive measures undertaken to contain the spread of the coronavirus.

In response to immediate needs arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Union Delegation to Russia announced the special EU solidarity programme for Russia. One of its key actions is the provision of grants to civil society organisation to provide direct support to people most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in Russia.

The project “Kovcheg is always on hand” was launched in mid-May and will run for three months. Its activities also include:

  • Payment of phone/internet service bills.
  • Recruitment and training of social services specialists at home for wheelchair users with tetraplegia. In the absence of relatives/caretakers, in cases of recent injury, provision of individual care.
  • Hotline for wheelchair users and their family members to consult with a professional psychologist on any questions.  

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