Moscow FemFest 2020


The fourth educational festival about on literacy and freedom of choice Moscow FemFest 2020 will be held on November 21-22, with the EU Delegation to Russia as its general partner.

The festival has a rich two-day program: 16 hours of discussions, debates and performances with experts from Russia and the EU.

The first day will be devoted to the key challenges of 2020, the problem of violence and traditions, politics and female body. On the second day, experts will talk about the economic security of women. They will talk about the current system of economic inequality in terms of gender division and how it can be changed.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the festival will be held online for the first time. For guests of the festival, live streaming will be organized on the social networks of the EU Delegation to Russia, Moscow FemFest, and YouTube.

A special mobile application with chat, chat rooms, contests from partners, a book market and other bonuses will also be available. It will be presented two weeks before the start of Moscow FemFest 2020 - register to communicate with the speakers and take advantage of all the application functions!

In the framework of the festival a contest among entrepreneurs and visionaries who want to improve women’s lives in Russia is launched. To take part please fill in the form till 22:22 on 12 November 


Full program of the festival 

The program will be updated. Stay tuned for updates on the website and in social networks.

n/a, Moscow