Online workshop "Climate Change and Russian Forests: Impact, Vulnerability and Adaptation Needs"


The European Forest Institute (EFI) in cooperation with the Scientific Council on Forest of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SCF RAS)  will organize a series of events in 2021 under the general theme “Russian forests and climate change”, based on the discussion of the new EFI publication of the same name.

First workshop will be held on March 30, 2021 from 13.00 to 17.00 CET on the basis of the Zoom platform. We invited for participation representatives of government authorities, Russian and international business community, academic and educational circles, the student community and non-governmental organizations.

The event language is English/Russian.

Link and instructions to the online meeting shall be sent well in advance.

To participate please complete registration form  

Deadline for registration - March 23, 2021.


n/a, Moscow