Webinar "Horizon 2020 European Green Deal Call: Forestry. Opportunities for Russian Research & Innovation Entities"


On 4 December 2020, the webinar "Horizon 2020 European Green Deal Call: Forestry. Opportunities for Russian Research & Innovation Entities", jointly organized by the Delegation of the European Union to the Russian Federation and the Modernisation & Innovation Working Group of the Association of European Businesses, was held.

The event was organized as a follow-up to the webinar "EU & Russia Climate Change Research and Innovation Priorities. Opportunities for Cooperation under the Horizon 2020 European Green Deal call", held on 16 September 2020. The aim of this event was to present a precise content of the Horizon 2020 European Green Deal call topics, mainly forestry-related, to Russia-based research & innovation stakeholders who expressed interest in taking part in research proposals.

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Record of the webinar

n/a, Moscow