EU Delegation in Rwanda celebrates Europe Day with official reception and annual European Street Fair

The EU Delegation in Rwanda marked Europe Day  with a reception hosted by EU Ambassador to Rwanda at the Residence of the Belgium Ambassador on 9 May 2023. EU Ambassador Belen Calvo Uyarra was joined by Rwanda’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Vincent Biruta who was the guest of honour representing the Government of Rwanda. In her address, Ambassador Calvo Uyarra reviewed the EU partnership with Rwanda at multilateral, regional and bilateral level, pointing to new areas of cooperation. On the other hand, Minister Biruta underscored the strong strategic partnership with the EU. The reception was attended by government partners, members of the civil society, culture, business and diplomatic corps.

European Street Fair 2023 Rwanda

As part of Europe Day celebrations, the EU Delegation organised the 5th edition of its annual European Street Fair together with Member States, at the Imbuga City walk (Car Free Zone) in Kigali. The event attracted thousands of people and increased awareness about role of the European Union and EU Member States in Rwanda as well as about Europe in general. It also provides an opportunity for the EU and Member States to engage with the Rwandan public, displaying some of the main achievements in our cooperation with the Republic of Rwanda. The event included activities for children and adults and created a platform for Rwandan creatives to display their talents.