EU at Your School 2021


In collaboration with Singapore's Ministry of Education and EU Member States, we present the second edition of EU at Your School. The project runs from March to May 2021. Over the next two months, Ambassadors and senior diplomats will visit 27 schools touching on topics such as EU’s history, institutions and their growing role in the face of the global health crisis.

At the opening engagement, Ambassador of the European Union to Singapore Barbara Plinkert, engaged with students from the Ministry of Education's Language Centre. In the session, she addressed topics including EU's concerted response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the path to recovery, EU's engagement with ASEAN and EU-Singapore ties.

The second edition of #EUatYourSchool builds on the positive feedback from the inaugural edition presented in 2019.

Ambassador Plinkert says: "The second edition of this project is extremely timely, and I would like to thank the Ministry of Education, the participating schools and fellow Ambassadors for their support. The past year has been turbulent and, in many ways, disruptive. We have faced unprecedented challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic and have had to look at new methods of communicating, engaging and working to emerge from this crisis stronger and in a more sustainable and inclusive way."

Watch our project video:

Read more:

Media Contact: Deepika Shetty, Press Officer, EU in Singapore E:

Ambassador Plinkert's presentation:

Video call



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