Survey: How European Investment Contributes to Industrialization and Development in Somalia


The EU Delegation to Somalia is identifying the presence of the EU private sector in the country and its contribution to Somalia’s development.


The EU Delegation to Somalia is identifying the presence of the EU private sector in the country and its contribution to Somalia’s development. This information will be used to better tailor the EU’s dialogue on the investment climate with Somali authorities and to prepare a future high-level Somalia-Europe Investment, Business and Trade Forum.

All EU firms in the country or potential investors can collaborate by filing in the 5-minutes survey online (click here) by 15 November 2021.

By “European”, it is considered any firm with European shareholding, capital, registration, Headquarters, trade (imports or exports) and linkages with the Somali diaspora in Europe. Geographically speaking, firms from the EU 27 Member States are covered plus Norway and Switzerland.

All replies are confidential and protected by EU’s Data Protection Law. They will be presented in aggregated form (as a whole, not mentioning individual companies) and will not be shared with third parties.

Mr Lee Sorensen, Key Expert from DAI Consulting, implements this project on behalf of the EU Delegation to Somalia. Do not hesitate to contact him, the EU investment mapping support person at the SPDI programme or our Manager for Private Sector and Investments, Benoît Larielle  if you need any further information or would like to share feedback and/or provide any input, which is not covered by the online survey.

This project is part of the European External Investment Plan (EIP) to help boosting EU investment in the EU’s partner countries. You can access more information under

We count on your cooperation to make this mapping exercise a success for our joint benefit!