Consular crisis exercise at the Seoul Delegation


The EU Delegation to the Democratic Republic of Korea conducted a consular crisis exercise involving EU Member States. The active participation of our consular and security colleagues, consistent with the principles advocated by the EEAS Crisis Response Centre, offered valuable insights for everyone involved.

On 16 April, the EU Delegation to the Democratic Republic of Korea, in collaboration with over 20 EU Member States based locally in Seoul, conducted a consular exercise to assess preparedness for crises affecting EU citizens in the country.

Using a simulated crisis scenario, participants discussed strategies for collaborating to safeguard affected EU citizens. The focus was on gathering information about citizens at the scene of the incident, providing necessary assistance, and coordinating effectively for emergency response. The expertise of our consular and security colleagues was instrumental in enhancing situational awareness, conducting risk assessments, and identifying potential solutions for affected EU citizens.



This exercise has improved the preparedness of EU Member States and the EU Delegation to collaborate in the event of an emergency or accident impacting EU citizens. Participants gained valuable insights, particularly regarding the inclusion of EU Member States not locally present and cooperation with like-minded countries.

Given the success and importance of such exercises, we remain committed to developing further exercises to strengthen EU cooperation in protecting EU citizens in South Korea, leveraging the expertise of our consular and security teams.