RoK-EU Inter-Parliamentary Council Meets With European parliament Delegation for Relations with Korean Peninsula


National Summit for Children

On November 4, Chung Dong-young, leader of the RoK-EU Inter-Parliamentary Council visited Brussels and held talks with Karoline Edtstadler, chief of the European Parliament Delegation for relations with the Korean Peninsula. The newly appointed chief Edtstadler said "the EU's role in establishing peace on the Korean Peninsula is to be an honest borker." She also pledged to continue communicating with the DPRK with a plan to visit the country next year. 

The European Parliament, which is the only transnational and directly elected parliament in the world, represents the EU's 510 million inhabitants. 

There was a high turnout in the 2019 European Parliament elections (50.66%), and as the newly elected President of the European Parliament David Sassoli said, "The significant boost in voter turn-out shows that people value their democratic rights and believe that the EU is stronger when acting in unison to address their concerns." Pro-European parties maintained a clear majority after the elections.

The European Parliament intends to maintain a close relations with the Korean National Assembly through parliamentary diplomacy.More information on the European Parliament can be found here: