Amb. Bader: Effective Parliament essential for Revitalised Peace Agreement Implementation


The European Union (EU) Ambassador to South Sudan H.E Christian Bader on Monday attended the first workshop for members of the Reconstituted Transitional National Legislative Assembly.

“Having an effectively working parliament is an essential step towards the implementation of the revitalised peace agreement and for the preparation of the conditions which will allow free and fair elections to take place at the end of the transitional period,” Ambassador Bader said.

The workshop supported by the EU in partnership with the Max Planck Foundation aims at strengthening the transitional Parliament in support of the implementation of the revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan.

The EU is supporting the transitional parliament with a series of workshops assisting the MPs to be acquainted with the roles and tasks of an elected Parliament and its crucial role in democratic and inclusive governance of the country.