New EUSR Visits South Sudan, attends first R-TNLA session


Dr. Annette Weber, President Salva Kiir and EU HoD Delegation Christian Bader in the president's office during the EUSR's visit.

The newly appointed European Union Special Representative (EUSR) for the Horn of Africa, Dr Annette Weber has visited South Sudan for the first time in this capacity.

While in the country from August 28 to 31, Dr. Weber attended the maiden session of the Revitalised Transitional National Legislative Assembly (R-TNLA) at Freedom Hall.

“I was glad to be able to witness the opening, by H.E the President of South Sudan, of the first session of the R-TNLA. This is an important step forward in the implementation of the peace agreement, which remains crucial for the return of peace in South Sudan,” Dr. Weber said.

Two women and three men talking in a room

EU HoD Delegation Christian Bader, Dr. Annette Weber, President Salva Kiir, Presidential and Foreign Affairs Ministers Dr. Barnaba Marial and Beatrice Khamisa during the EUSR's visit.

She also paid courtesy calls to President Salva Kiir, first Vice President, Dr Riek Machar, Gender and Youth Cluster Vice President, Rebecca Nyandeng, ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defence, Beatrice Khamisa Wani and Hon. Angelina Teny respectively, as well as Presidential Security Advisor, Tut Kew Gatluak. Weber discussed issues pertaining to the ongoing implementation process of the Revitalised Peace Agreement as well as regional matters.

Dr. Weber was appointed the EUSR for the Horn of Africa from 1 July 2021 until 30 August 2022.

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Dr. Annette Weber with FVP Dr. Riek Machar in Juba during her visit.

Ms. Weber, who took over from Alexander Rondos, is a German with over 25 years of experience in the region having facilitated peace talks at the highest political levels.

She has an established record of accomplishment of advising the UN, the EU and the German government on the Horn of Africa and the Red Sea region. She is also a speaker at the Munich Security Conference on regional issues. She holds a PhD and MA in Political Science from the Free University of Berlin.

Three women and a man