Reaching the Unreached Estates and Surrounding Communities on Equitable Water, Sanitation, Hygiene (WASH) for improved health and nutrition


Improving the health and nutritional status of marginalised and underserved communities in 50 estates and 100 rural villages in the Central and Uva Provinces.

The projct, implemented by Stichting Solidaridad, aims to:

  1. strengthen capacities of local functionaries and community institutions;
  2. provide access to improved, adequate, and sustainably-managed water supply sources;
  3. promote sustainable nutrition, sanitation, and hygienic practices through community mobilisation and social and behaviour change communication processes; and
  4. promote public-private convergence and civil society participation for strengthening service delivery of community organisations, local authorities, and public/private institutions on WASH at district and provincial levels.

The value of the European Union's contribution is EUR 5,619,615.59.

Detailed project fiche: