Ambassador Petros Mavromichalis visiting Swiss cities by bike

On 19 and 20 June, EU Ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein Petros Mavromichalis visited the cities of La-Chaux-de-Fonds and Neuchâtel by train and bike. At the invitation of the Youth Parliaments of the two towns, he had exchanges with politically active young citizens on topics such as the war in Ukraine, international migration, the future of Europe and EU-Swiss relations.

Accompanied and guided by a local group of friends of Europe, the Ambassador moved between the two cities using the bicycle. On the way through the countryside and the ridges of the Jura, he visited typical sites and had encounters with the local population. At Neuchâtel’s town gate, the EU Ambassador and the accompanying group of bikers were welcomed by the President of the City. During the visit, Ambassador Mavromichalis was also received by delegations of the two cities’ executives.

You can learn more about this excursion on our LinkedIn post, and see more pictures of the excursion on flickr.

On the road!