Çorum’un Yeşil Masalları Dijital Gösterim Program


Çorum Green Tales -1, Film

Çorum Municipality web tv and youtube channel
10:03 - 10:06

Çorum Çorum Green Tales-2, Film

Çorum Municipality web tv and youtube channel

10:06 - 10:09

Çorum Çorum Green Tales-3, Film

Çorum Municipality web tv and youtube channel

10:12 - 11:32 “City Green Tales” - Awarded Gwen Jansen Film

Çorum Municipality web tv and youtube channel

14:00 - 14:10 “For a Green Life, Share Bicycle” Film,  MoByShare, Netherlands Çorum Municipality web tv and youtube channel
14:30 - 14:40

“The Mayor's bicycle initiative” Film, BYCS, Netherlands



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