Competition Winners fly to Brussels

“The prize of a 6-day trip to Brussels provided great motivation. We acted with exceptional team spirit, and as a result, we won the competition,” says Yusuf Efe Alkaya.


He refers to the competition showcasing knowledge and skills organised within the scope of the European Union (EU) supported METEK Project.

The team from ‘Gazi Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School’ in Ankara, which included Yusuf Efe, came first in the KNOWLEDGE category of the competition, winning a trip to Brussels from 18 to 24 February 2024.

“This was my first trip abroad. On the plane, I was very excited, but the first feeling I experienced when I disembarked was a sense of peace,” Yusuf Efe continues. He enjoyed his time in Brussels immensely and was particularly impressed by the EU institutions.

For his teammate Emir Faruk, this was not his first visit abroad, but his first trip to Brussels. “Five of us were very excited during the competition and delighted when we won. After seeing Brussels, my motivation to join the Erasmus program increased,” he states.


The ‘Gazi Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School’ team came first in the knowledge category

Recep Şeker, the team’s counsellor, reflects: “They developed into an excellent team in a short period. The competition was very exciting, and after forty questions, the scores were tied, and reserve questions were asked. The team was able to answer the first reserve question correctly, emerging as champions. We all jumped to our feet. Our students have made us so proud. They were fascinated by the trip and immediately started researching Erasmus programmes.”

Bursa Automotive High School won the SKILLS competition

Bursa Automotive High School’s five-member team secured the first place in the SKILLS category of the competition with their wind turbine design, which can be integrated into electric vehicles. The turbine generates electricity from the wind energy generated when the vehicle is travelling, and the vehicle also benefits from this electricity. Hüseyin Can Şenol from the team remarks: “It’s a great feeling to come first. It was also a significant experience to visit Brussels, the heart of Europe.” Thanks to this project, he travelled abroad for the first time.


The Bursa Automotive High School team won the first place in the skill competition

Another team member, Yusuf Efe Aktaş, says: “Our public speaking and presentation skills have improved thanks to the competition. The trip also was an important experience for me as it was my first time travelling abroad.”

Burak Ün, the team’s counsellor, is incredibly proud of his students. According to Burak, “The students have learned the value of sharing and helping each other, as well as the importance of competing. The trip to Brussels has increased the students’ self-confidence and has been an invaluable experience for them.”


Two teams that came first visited Brussels

Ali Karagöz, the Director General of Vocational and Technical Education of the Ministry of National Education, remarks: "At the Ministry, we place great emphasis on activities that support the development of our young people's knowledge and skills and raise awareness of this issue.”

The Head of the European Union Delegation to Türkiye, Ambassador Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut, reflects: “Youth-oriented projects such as the METEK Project can have a positive impact on participating young people. We are always delighted to support young people and help their future success.”

About the competition

150 schools from 25 pilot provinces applied to the two competition categories: KNOWLEDGE and SKILLS, each with two stages. The first stage of the KNOWLEDGE competition was held online, and eight teams made it to the final. In the first stage of the SKILLS competition, ten teams made it to the final. The finals took place in Ankara.  

The “Technical Assistance for Improving the Quality of Vocational Education and Training through Establishment of Sectoral Centres of Excellence (METEK)” project, funded by the EU under IPA II, is implemented jointly by the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of Labour and Social Security.

What is IPA?

The Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) is the means by which the EU has been supporting reforms in the enlargement region with financial and technical assistance since 2007. IPA funds build up the capacities of the beneficiaries throughout the accession process, resulting in progressive, positive developments in the enlargement region to which Türkiye belongs.

Stories about EU-Türkiye cooperation