Speech 7 May Europe Day - Istanbul

Dear Mayor Imamoglu, dear Ekrem, 


Representatives of the diplomatic corps 

Distinguished guests, members of the press, 

It is with some emotion that I came to Istanbul to celebrate Europe Day with you all today. 

With some emotion because it is the first time during my mandate that I have the chance to mark this special day for Europe in Istanbul, where East meets West and West meets East.

I would like to warmly thank Mayor Imamoglu and his team once again for opening the doors of this incomparable city to us and for showing us once again that Turkish hospitality is a delightful reality. 

This unmatched hospitality is a much-cherished memory from my time in Türkiye, among so many more, that I will take with me.

As my four years are slowly coming to an end, time has come to take stock and reflect on our joint achievements and common challenges.

Türkiye-EU relations are certainly not at a stage where we would like them to be. It is a complex, multifaceted relationship. However, Turkey is a candidate country; our relationship dates back decades and has proven resilient in the face of countless and unprecedented crises. The tragic earthquakes, which hit Türkiye last year showed us once againthat in the midst of tragedy, the EU stood, stands and will stand by your side.

Over the past four years, we have tirelessly continued our work in many areas of mutual interest, ranging from trade, migration, foreign policy, green and digital transition, to supporting civil society and promoting culture.

And what a better example than Istanbul to highlight our successful partnership. Just to name a few examples, let me recall that İstanbul is participating in a new EU program with the aim of transforming itself into a smart and climate-neutral city by the end of the decade. The mission to deliver 100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030 is an EU-funded program that includes technical and financial support over 10 years. 

Just a few days ago, we concluded once again a successful edition of the European cinema days together with EU members states accross the country. Cinema days which promoted not only artists but the values that unite us.

Because Europe Day is above all a tribute to the founding values of the EU: respect for human rights, freedoms, rule of law and democracy. The EU has been founded on the principle that respecting the law comes first. Europe Day is also a celebration for peace and unity in Europe. But we have seen how peace and security can be fragile, and how we must work to preserve, promote, and defend it on our continent and beyond. Politicians, diplomats but also representatives of civil society, we all have a role to play in safeguarding our democracies and guaranteeing the exercise of our democratic rights. 

I would like to take this opportunity to once again congratulate Mayor Imamoglu on his re-election. Your leadership has been instrumental in promoting our cooperation. Thank you very much to you personally as well as to your team. 

Today, in this fascinating city where Europe unites with Asia, where two continents straddle across the Bosphorus, it is this feeling of togetherness that I would like to pay tribute to. 

There are a thousand of reasons to be fascinated by Istanbul: the layers of civilizations that flourished and which are blending together, the remains of the great past empires you can walk by every day, its unparalleled cultural richness. 

It comes as no surprise that your city has inspired so many artists, writers, poets. Let me  quote only one of them to conclude my remarks, a French author, poet, and statesman from the 19th century (Alphons de Lamartine) who said:

« Si je n'avais qu'un seul regard à poser sur le monde, ce serait sur Istanbul »

If I had only one gaze to put on the world, it would be on Istanbul.

Once again, thank you Istanbul, for your hospitality

çok teşekkür ederim

Happy Europe Day

Ambassador Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut Head of the European Union Delegation to Türkiye