Together for the people in Türkiye and Syria


Following the devastating earthquakes in February 2023, the EU immediately mobilised search and rescue teams, and deployed field hospitals to provide relief. The Commission and the Swedish Presidency of the Council organised an international donors conference on 20 March 2023, “Together for the people in Türkiye and Syria”, at which €6 billion were pledged for earthquake-affected people in Türkiye, including €3.6 billion in a Team Europe approach including €1 billion from the EU budget. 

As of February 2024, the European Commission mobilised:

  • €67 million of non-committed and repurposed IPA II funds, to cover health and protection, heritage, rehabilitation and reconstruction of local public infrastructure and economic recovery in rural areas. 
  • €356 million of both IPA III and Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI)-Global Europe funds under the Assistance for Refugees in Türkiye for infrastructure rehabilitation with focus on health, education and sports; support for urban rehabilitation and employment-generating actions; and a Project Preparation Facility for loans pledged at the Donors’ Conference. 
  • €400 million to Türkiye under the European Solidarity Fund, following an application by Türkiye. 
  • €35 million of IPA III funds, to accompany an EIB reconstruction framework loan of €400 million for rehabilitation, construction and extension of drinking water, sewerage and stormwater networks. 
  • €120 million in humanitarian and civil protection assistance.

A total of €7 billion were pledged by the international community at the International Donors' Conference ‘Together for the people in Türkiye and Syria', co-hosted on 20 March 2023 by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and by the Prime Minister of Sweden, Ulf Kristersson, for the Swedish Presidency of the Council.

Please visit the dedicate webpage for more detail, including Pledging Statement.

Related Links

A Photo Book on the EU-Turkish Solidarity in the Aftermath of the Earthquakes

How EU Supports Temporary Sheltering in the Earthquake Area

Türkiye: EIB Global provides €400 million to Türkiye to support ILBANK’s post-earthquake reconstruction projects

EU solidarity in action: €400 million to Türkiye following two major earthquakes in February 2023

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Stories about EU-Türkiye cooperation