Promoting and Protecting Human Rights, and Supporting CSOs in Their Actions in Tajikistan


Local publication for call for proposals. Publication reference: EuropeAid/176805/DD/ACT/TJ


The Delegation of the European Union to Tajikistan is seeking proposals for promotion and protection of human rights and democracy through supporting civil society organisations and human rights defenders in Tajikistan, as well as for proposals that focus on strengthening CSOs in Tajikistan through actions contributing to promoting their participation in the improvement of good governance for equitable and sustainable growth with financial assistance from the Thematic Programme on Human Rights and Democracy and the Thematic Programme on Civil Society Organisations.


The full guidelines for applicants are available for consultation on the following internet site:!XpC3Fw and


The deadline for submission of proposals is 29 May 2023 at 14:00 (Brussels date and time). An information session on this call for proposals will be held on 2 May 2023, at 11:00 (Brussels date and time) at the Delegation of the European Union premises, 74 Adhamov Street, Dushanbe.